Monday 26 March 2012


A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun. 
i) Tareq is a good student. ii) He erads is class nine. iii) He learns his lessons daily. iv) So everybody likes him.
work or use different fallow pronoun 8 kinds.
1) Personal pronoun--- I, we, you, he, they.
2) Reflexive pronoun--- Myself, himself, herself.
3) Demonstrative pronoun--- this, that, these, those.
4) Relative pronoun--- Who, which, what, that.
5) Interrogative pronoun--- Who, what, that.
6) Distributive pronoun--- each, either, neither.
7) Indefinite pronoun--- one, any, some.
8) Reciprocal pronoun--- each other, one another.
i) I am happy. ii) You are happy iii) He is happy.................14 passe.... 

Thursday 8 March 2012


A noun is a word which denotes the name of a person, thing, place, quality etc.
NOUN-------1) Concrete Noun-----------2) Abstract Noun
Concrete-------a) Proper------b) Common----c)Collective-----Material
A Concrete Noun denotes the name of something which has bodily existence and con be perceived through sense organs.
Some more examples: Book, pen, chair, house, flower etc.
a) Proper noun        b) Common noun.
c) Collective noun   d) Material Noun.
A proper noun is the name of a particular person, thing or place distinct from each other.
i) Lily is a good girl. ii) Dhaka is an old town. iii) The padma is a big river. iv) The taj looks nice.
A Common Noun is the name givem to every person, thing or animal of the same class.
Some more examples: i) Sher-E-Bangla was a great leaner. ii) Bogra is a small city. iii) The cow is a useful animal. iv) I have a nice pen.
Common noun                     Proper Noun
School                                 Ideal High School, Model High school.
Boy                                     Rahim, karim.
Country                               Bangladesh, India.
Pen                                     Econo, Wing Sung.
A Collective Noun is the name of a group of persons, things or animals considered as one undivided whole.
i) He has recently joined the army. ii) Mina reds in class ten. iii) Our team has won the match. iv) A Crowd of people is making a noise.
Common noun                           Collective noun
Soldiers                                     Army
Students                                    Class
Books                                       Library
Sheep                                        Flock
Members                                   Committee.
Note: i) The jury is one in its opinion. ii) An army was sent. iii) the class has fifty students. iv) A swarm of bees is flying.
The noun that denotes the name of matter or substance as a whole is called the Material Noun.
i) Gold is precious. ii) Mild is nutritious. iii) Honey is sweet. iv) Iron is a very useful metal.
Note: i) The water of  tubwells is good. ii) The milk of black cows is tasteful. iii) The gold of  Mysore is pure. iv) The of Jamalpur is fine.
An abstract Noun denotes the name of quality of a person or a thing. 
i) Honesty is the best policy. ii) Kindness is a great virtue. iii) Happiness lies in contentment. iv) Forgivenes is divine.
Some more examples: Honesty, sincerity, perseverance.
                                      Cruelty, dishonesty, indecency.
                                      Poverty, infancy, health.

Point out the noun in the following sentences and say what kind of noun they are.
i) Truthfulness is a great virtue. ii) We all like honesty. iii) His patriotism is praise-worthy. iv) The class has fifty students. v) Charity begins at home. vi) She is fond of beauty. vii) People don't like him for his cruelty. viii) Dishonesty never goes unpunished. ix) Health is the root of all happiness. x) Solomon was famous for his wisdom. xi) The poor boy has no book. xii) Mr Anis is a popular teacher. xiii) Milk is an ideal food. xiv) India is a large country.

Monday 5 March 2012


The different classes into which words are divided according to the functions in a sentence are called parts of speech.
Parts of Speech is 8 kinds
1) Noun     2) Pronoun   3) Adjective  4) Verb  5) Adverb   6) Preposition   7) Conjunction 8) Interjection
Read the following sentences:
(i) Romal is a bright student. (ii) the cow gives us mild.  (iii) Gold is a precious metal. (iv) I read in class six. (v) Honesty is the best policy.
A noun is the name of anything.
Some more examples: Bokthiar uddin, Khulna, book kindness, Honesty, Pleasure, Father, Husband, Guest, breakfast, Mongol, Hammer, Infantry, Teacher.
Read the following sentences:
Noun                                                   Pronoun
(a) Babu is a good boy.                      (a) Babu is a good boy. (Noun).
(b) Babu goes to school daily.            (b) He goes to school daily. (Pronoun).
(c) Babu learns her lessons regularly    (c) He learns her lessons regularly. (Pronoun).
The word which is used instead of a noun is called a Pronoun.
NOTE: (i) Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. (ii) It is a big city. (iii) It stands of the Burigonga. (iv) Manir is a good boy. (v) He has a friend who reads in class seven.
Some more examples: I, we, me, us, he, she, him, her, it, this, these, whom, whose, who.
Read the following sentences:
(i) Tareq is a bright student. (ii) Dhaka is a big city. (iii) Mohin was a kind man. (iv) I have many books. (v) Mr Rahim has much money. (vi) Ratan is a naughty boy. (vii) Hasnat abdullah is a rich man.
An adjective is a word that qualifies a noun or a pronoun.
Some more examples: kind, great, honest, poor, wise, famous, healthy, fresh, valuable, beneficial, obedient, truthful, innocent, harmful.
Read the following sentences:
(i) Our headmaster is an honest man. (ii) I have a nice reading room. (iii) The boy takes care of his health. (iv) Good boys of to school regularly.
The word which is used to say something about a person or a thing is called a verb.
Some more examples: see, go, sing, read, catch, speak, arrive, arrange, compare, forget, abandon, advise.
Read the following sentences:
i) Salma writes slowly. ii) Mr jamil is a very rich man. iii) The orse can run more quickly. iv) I support him only because he is honest. v) The boy stood just behind me. vi) Fortunately I found him there.
An adverb is a word which modifies anything except a noun or a pronoun.
Some more examples: now, always, slowly, honestly, almost, early, enough, attentively, silently, suceessfully.
Read the following sentences: 
i) They live in Dhaka. ii) The book is on the table. iii) I live with mother. iv) He came to me. v) The man sat beside me.
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun th show its relation to some other words in a sentence. 
Some more examples: at, for, with, of, after, by, since, before, near, without, within, over.
Read the following sentences:
i) Mita and Rita are friends. ii) You said that the man was guilty. iii) I did the work while I was there. iv) The man is poor but he is honest.

Read the following sentences:
i) Oh! How lovely the rose is. ii) Alas! I am undone. iii) Hurrah! We have won the game.
Interjection is a word that expresses some sudden feeling or emotion of the mind and is not related to other words in the sentence.

Thursday 1 March 2012


A group of words that makes a complete sense is called a sentence.               
(i) Razu goes to school regularly.
(ii) We should respect out teachers.
(iii) Children like sweets.
(iv) patriotism is a noble
(v) take care of your health.

(01) Subject
(02) predicate

Persons or things about which something is said in a sentence is called the subject.
1) Boys
2) My father
3) Some girls
4) The sun
5) (You)
What is said about the subject in a sentence is called the predicate.
a) play.
b) teaches English very nicely.
c) pluck flowers is the garden.
d) rises is the east.
e) take care of your health.

1. Separate the Subject and the Predicate is the following sentences.
(i) A little learning is a dangerous thing. (ii) A moon-lit night is pleasant. (iii) The rose looks very beautiful. (iv) An honest man is respectable everywhere. (v) Some boys are playing cricket. (iv) Badminton is my favorite game. (vii) A bad workman quarrels with  his tools. (viii) A barking dog seldom bites. (ix) Students should form good habits. (x) All that glitters is not good.
Kinds of Sentence 
1) Assertive Sentence.
2) Interrogative Sentence.
3) Imperative Sentence.
4) Operative Sentence.
5) Exclamatory Sentence.
1) Assertive Sentence
A sentence that makes a statement is called an Assertive Sentence.
          (i) Affirmative Sentence (ii) Negative sentence
a) Affirmative Sentence
1) Man is mortal.
2) Lily goes to school regularly.
3) I have a garden.
 b) Negative sentence
1) No man immoral.
2) Lily does no go to school regularly. 
3) I don't have a garden. 

2) Interrogative Sentence
A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence.
Note: (i) Are you going home tomorrow? (ii) When are they coming here? (iii) Which pen do you like most? (iv) How have you done the task?

3) Imperative sentence
A sentence which expresses order, advice, request etc. is called an imperative sentence.
(i) Leave the place at once.  (ii) Take care of your health.
 Note: (i) Look after your old mother. (ii) Do your home tasks. 
 4) Operative sentence
A sentence which expresses a wish or prayer is called an Operative sentence. 
Note: (i) May you be happy. (ii) Long live our Bangladesh. 
5) Exclamatory Sentence
A sentence which expresses a sudden feeling or emotion is called an exclamatory sentence. 
Note: (i) how lovely the rose is! (ii) what an intelligent boy Romal is!
 kinds of sentence
1) Simple Sentence 
A sentence having only one subject and one finite verb is called a Simple sentence.
(i) A barking dog seldom bites. (ii) An honest boy never tells a lie. 
2) Complex sentence 
A sentence having a principal clause and one or more subordinate clause is called a Complex sentence. 
NOTE: Complex sentence---subordinate clause---that, if, though, although, as, because, since, who, which, how, where when----
(i) I know              that he has stood first.
Pr,clause               Sub. clause
(ii) If you come,     I shall go   
Sub. clause            Pr,clause
(iii) As he was ill,   he could not play. 
Sub. clause           Pr,clause
(iv) though he is poor     he is honest
Sub. clause                    Pr,clause
3) compound sentence
A sentence having more than one Principal clause connected by co-ordinating conjunction is called a Compound sentence. 
co-ordinatin---------and, but, or, nor, so, therefore, as well as, not only---but aloso---
(i) Lily went to school             and        learnt her lessons
    pr.clause                            conj.      Pr. clause
(ii) The girl studied well          but         failed in the examination.
     pr.clause                          conj.      Pr. clause
(iii) You should work hard     or           you will not shine in life.
       pr.clause                      conj.        Pr. clause.